to help them conduct quality checks on tractors YOU’RE EXPERIENCING and chemical sprayers. Logging quality checks is up to 20% faster with the use of Google Glass, MUCH MORE THAN said Peggy Gulick, director of business-process improvement. YOU’RE ANALYZING About 14.4 million U.S. workers will use “smart glasses,” such as Google Glass and HoloLens, Think about how much time big companies spend in 2025, up from 400,000 this year, according to analyzing their own data, preparing PowerPoints Forrester Research Inc. Large companies will spend and cutting the numbers in different ways in $3.6 billion on smart glasses in 2025, up from $6 querying their own sources, and now think about million in 2016, according to Forrester. The global how inefficient a way that is to interact with what 3-D imaging market, which includes holograms, is we know: expected to grow from $4.9 billion in 2015 to $16.6 billion by 2020, according to Markets and Markets, “The future of data visualization is unfolding on a research firm in India.” the factory floor of AGCO Corp., a manufacturer of agricultural equipment. Factory workers in Source: images-enter-the-workplace-1481551202 Jackson, Minn., don augmented-reality glasses that display diagrams and images of instructions 138

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