So we just looked at charts that show where we are today, now let’s talk about where we’re going. The next chart is from an Oxford Martin study on the future of employment. A note on how to read the chart, because it’s a LOT—from left to right, we see the likelihood of a computer taking a job away. The colors represent pools of workers in different sectors of industry. The reason the sectors’ colors are “smeared out” horizontally over multiple probabilities is because there’s a lot of deviation within a single sector. For example, certain kinds of construction workers face a medium likelihood of being replaced by a robot, and other kinds of construction workers face a very high likelihood. The cumulative charts we’ve just looked at are, in various combinations and permutations, often used to make the argument that capitalism has failed our post-technology society. In capitalism’s place, the aforementioned academics, CEOs and sitting president believe that we are now headed toward a post-capitalist future. 30

Future of Work, Think Series - Page 27 Future of Work, Think Series Page 26 Page 28