NEIGHBOR-TO-NEIGHBOR FARMING Neighbor-to-neighbor farming is also transforming Also in NY, GrowNYC’s new initiative creates into a mini-career. In Brooklyn communities, many farming communities within high-rise buildings in residents gain access to CSAs by volunteering a all kinds of neighborhoods, from Brooklyn to the certain number of hours in them. It’s a smart idea: Bronx to Manhattan. much of the cost/carbon footprint of food has to do with distributing it. So why not, in a post- Using the ample sunlight available on rooftops capitalist fashion, decentralize that production? plus the many advances in gardening created in recent years, residents create mini-CSAs where Many entrepreneurs are working to improve some choose to work in the gardens in return for vertical farming enough that families, small vegetables and fruits, and other residents buy communities and even small grocery stores can them from those who choose to work. serve dual purposes as farming environments, too. Such supermarkets already exist in Germany. 132

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