The New York Times agrees with this thesis. Writing entertainment and finance. With the Five, unlike in January, 2017, Farhad Manjoo stated that in previous eras of tech, it is not clear that there Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google are many potential disrupters among today’s have become the ‘Fearsome Five,’ with ‘no true start-ups. The battles for dominance in cloud competition’ in sight. In Mr. Manjoo’s words: “The services, artificial intelligence and data mining, Five are poised to jump beyond their corner of the voice-activated assistants, self-driving cars, virtual lagoon. Over the last few years they have begun to reality and most every other Next Big Thing are set their sights on the biggest industries outside being waged among the Five.” tech — on autos, health care, retail, transportation, Source: vs-lawmakers.html?smprod=nytcore-ipad&smid=nytcore-ipad-share 19

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