Making brands better faster by The corporate brand embedding CSR in the brand’s core identity matrix(30) The core: EXTERNAL Value Relationships Positions proposition Where brands need to articulate how they are inherently What should be What is our What are our the nature of our intended connected to an overall corporate social responsibility key offerings, relationships position in the and how do with key market and we want them customers in the hearts to appeal to and other and minds of customers stakeholders? key customers As brands take heed from circular-driven, conscious and other and other consumers and employees (who expect brands to take a stance stakeholders? stakeholders? on environmental, social, and governance issues), brands have begun to embark on reframing their core to reflect their modern values. Newer brands that have come of age in the last INTERNAL Expression Brand Core Personality /EXTERNAL few decades, during the rise of conscious consumers, are off to What is What do we What distinctive promise and combination about the what are the of human a faster start because they have inherently built their business way we core values that characteristics communicate sum up what our or qualities core to reflect their CSR initiatives. and express brand stands forms our ourselves for? corporate and makes it character? possible to On the other hand, legacy brands—those who have been recognize us at a distance? around for generations and perhaps even predate the rise of the environmental consumer—have taken actions over the last few decades to be more purpose-driven and sustainable, while only a handful have truly reframed their brand to make CSR INTERNAL Mission and Culture Competences Vision initiatives rooted in their core. What are our What are we What engages attitudes, and particularly us (mission)? how do we work good at, and What is our and behave? what makes us direction and better than the inspiration competition? (vision)? 44 45

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