“The US focus on sustainability is intensifying: Nearly twice as many US firms are embedding sustainability in strategic deci- sion making in 2019 as we saw (30) in 2018. ” ―ING 2019 The progression of consumers’ interest and “The US focus on sustainability oversight in how brands operate from a corporate social responsibility standpoint, is intensifying: Nearly twice as from Conspicuous Consumption to Conscious Consumption, has an absolute impact on why many US firms are embedding businesses are choosing to make their brands purposefully sustainable ecosystems. As brands sustainability in strategic continue to listen to consumers and migrate with them toward a future where circular decision making in 2019 as we consumption is the rule instead of the exception, (28) how they go about embedding their CSR strategy saw in 2018.” into their strategic decision making will be critical for long-term success, both for their business and the planet. ―ING 2019

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