great resignation will turn out to be fact or fiction. But what’s undeniable is more and Contents more millennials, and soon Gen Z’ers, will be changing the workforce at all levels, Don't underestimate the Metaverse 4 and we observe that most companies are not well equipped to attract or retain Consumers will need to touch it them. While more organizations will look to believe it 8 outside themselves to better understand employee drivers, we will see more Audience bias continues to intensify 12 taking an Adaptive Business approach to reshaping their organizations and The war for talent will be business operations. This will be especially won "Outside-i n" 16 pronounced in the B2B space, as Global Consulting Partner Michael Lombardi B2B: Disrupted but not defeated 20 observes while sharing some of the key business growth opportunities that can be Default sustainability 24 surfaced through adaption. We predict a lot of change to come in 2022, but we hope to illustrate key actions brands can take to move forward successfully in these uncertain times. We hope to provide some clarity on how to navigate these new realities. We’re here to help and would love to hear from you. Happy 2022 – Stay safe and be well. The Ogilvy Growth & Innovation Team

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