Trend Companies that will win the talent war will look outside their organizations to grasp what talent wants and needs. By LAURIE In 2021, the world celebrated the 40th The full impact of the Great Resignation is CLOSE, PAUL anniversary of the release of the film yet to be understood—but what’s certain ENGLISH & CESAR HOLGUIN “Take This Job and Shove It.” The movie is that workers have voted with their feet, is a cathartic and lighthearted look at an and let companies know they’re expecting employment situation gone deeply wrong, something quite different from their but for businesses facing a stunning exodus employers. of workers, the iconic title is likely to inspire nothing more than a cringe. As the world In most cases, that means changes in enters the pre-post-Covid era, one of the company culture. In the past, such change most significant and impactful changes has has been driven from top down—that is, been the workforce talent drain—aka the from the C-suite—or was the result of a Great Resignation. bottom-up, grassroots push. The answer for today’s brands seeking growth? Neither. This once-in-a-generation surge of Today, cultural change must be driven from self-administered pink slips has made the outside in. employers desperate to hire—and retain the workers they have. But some of the crisis To succeed in the talent war, companies is a function of selectivity: Employment must reduce their navel-gazing and look figures show that the talent pool has outside their organizations for a more 4actually increased, and that companies complete and nuanced understanding of with attractive employer brands are hiring what today’s emerging talent wants and more than ever. The resignation movement needs. And then they will prioritize steps to seems to be strongest within the US and meet those needs in ways they might not UK, but it’s unclear whether it's being driven have considered even a year ago. Arrive at by millennials, or by Boomers leaving to live the intersection of desirable culture and their best life. high self-awareness, and your brand will be loaded for success. 17 BUSINESS & GROWTH TRENDS 2022 OGILVY GROWTH & INNOVATION