This chart compares sales for companies which cut back their advertising expenditure during the 1974-75 recession with sales for companies that did not cut back. The companies that did not cut their advertising budgets did better in every year. By 1977 their sales had more than doubled, while sales had barely gone up 50 per cent fo companies that cut their advertising. 1975 sales were down for the companies that cut their advertising, but up for those that didn’t. By 1977 the net income of companies that did not cut advertising had more than trebled, while for companies that did cut back during the recession, it had barely doubled. Why advertise at all? Many manufacturers secretly question whether advertising really sells their product, but are vaguely afraid that their competitors might steal a march on them if they stopped. Others – particularly in Great Britain – advertise ‘to keep their name before the public’. Others because it helps them to get distribution. Only a minority of marketers advertise because