When the forest industry was under attack by environmentalists for being irresponsible in its use of national resources, Weyerhaeuser used television advertising to demonstrate that they are highly responsible. Research indicated that the advertising worked. The attacks abated. Ads like this helped pass a bill protecting the industry against the dumping of foreign steel. A few years ago, the British Labour Party announced their intention to nationalize the banks. Six months of well argued advertising produced good research numbers, and the banks have not been nationalized. For three years Eli Lilly used television advertising to argue the case against legislation that would have required doctors to prescribe generic medicines. It is thought that the campaign may have helped to head off this threat to their bread and butter. Advertising whose purpose is to influence public opinion is more likely to be successful if it follows these principles: If the issue is complicated, and it almost always is, simplify it as much as you reasonably can. For example, the consumer is bombarded with confusing