‘David, you don’t have to worry. There are plenty of other agencies that would be happy to do the job for you.’ Bill’s commercial ran as presented. I am told that he used to carry a card which bore the self-admonition Maybe he’s right. I once actually heard him admit that a client was right. This precedent-shattering event happened at lunch in the White House, when one of President Johnson’s assistants criticized an anti-Goldwater commercial that Bill had put on the air the previous night. Bill Bernbach – ‘a gentleman with brains.’ He worshipped at the altar of originality and was the hero of the creative fraternity. He had a genius for integrating copy with illustration, and never made my mistake of subordinating copywriters to art directors. He held, as I do, that the quality of the idea and the excellence of its execution was the alpha and omega of successful advertising. He worshipped at the altar of originality, and was never tired of