This direct-mail shot for Moscow Olympic Games silver coins worked well. Click here for hi-res image and text. My brother Francis wrote a letter in Greek to the headmasters of private schools, selling cooking stoves. When some wrote back that they could not read Greek, he sent them another letter – in Latin. This produced orders. Successful mailings do not always depend on premiums, brochures and other such paraphernalia. I have seen letters produce satisfactory results all by themselves. But they have to be long letters. When Mercedes-Benz were saddled with 1,170 obsolete diesels, we mailed a five-page letter and unloaded the surplus. For Cunard we used an eight- page letter with marked success. Direct response advertising in magazines and television So far this chapter has been about direct mail. Now I am going to tell you what I have learned about a parallel science – advertisements in magazines and on television which invite people to send their orders direct to you, without going to a store. In print advertisements, your headline is the most important element. The other day I saw one headline produce five times as many orders as another. If your headline promises your strongest and most distinct benefit, you are on your way to success.
Ogilvy on Advertising Page 207 Page 209