agency’s output through more than two levels. Even the best copywriters are preternaturally thin-skinned. When you have to reject their work, do it gently, and praise them to the skies when they perform well. They are the geese who can lay golden eggs. Inspire them to keep laying. The most inspiring client I have ever had was Ted Moscoso, the economic head of the Government of Puerto Rico. The day he hired us, he said to me, ‘Before we start advertising, we have to decide what we want Puerto Rico to become. A bridge between Latin America and the United States? An oasis of old Spanish culture? A modern industrial park?’ We talked all night. On later occasions, whenever I made a suggestion which appealed to his imagination – such as starting a music festival in San Juan – Moscoso would make a note in his pocket diary; action always followed. Governor Muñoz Marín, who was Ted’s chief, would have made a good President of the United States. When their party was finally defeated, the new Republican governor moved the advertising to an agency which had handled his campaign in the election. I have never wept so bitterly. This ad was one of a series for Puerto Rico. The campaign was initiated by my most inspiring client, Ted Moscoso of the Puerto Rico Government. Click here for hi-res image and text.