3 Jobs in advertising – and how to get them Cosimo de Medici persuaded Benvenuto Cellini, the Florentine sculptor, to enter his service by writing him a letter which concluded, ‘Come, I will choke you with gold’ Advertising offers four different career paths: 1 You can join a television network, a radio station, a magazine or a newspaper and sell time or space to advertisers and their agencies. 2 You can join a retailer like Sears Roebuck, and work as a copywriter, art director or advertising manager. 3 You can join a manufacturing company like Procter & Gamble, and work as a brand manager. 4 You can join an advertising agency. These are not watertight compartments. Copywriters trained at Sears Roebuck sometimes migrate to agencies. Brand managers escape from Procter & Gamble to join agencies. Time-buyers at agencies move to broadcasting networks. I am competent to write only about jobs in agencies. I don’t know any other trade which offers such variety. The atmosphere is extraordinarily stimulating. Agencies are psychological hothouses. You will never be bored. All the big agencies are international and offer job opportunities in Europe, Asia and Latin America. If you are fluent in a foreign language,