New Zealand. Considering that the population is only three million, it is remarkable that New Zealand plays the best Rugby football in the world, produces the best sheep, and one of the two greatest sopranos. The advertising would be better if the best creative people did not, like the Scottish, emigrate to richer pastures. Some brilliant advertising is now being created in Brazil. The headline on this one says, ‘Long before school starts, Mercedes-Benz is already repeating its daily lesson.’ There is very little advertising in India – 37 cents per head per annum, compared with $224 in the United States and $77 in Japan. Indian agency people have an impressive theoretical knowledge of advertising, but it seldom shows in their output. The 19-year-old daughter of my Indian partner Mani Ayer calles it ‘organized graffiti’. Nevertheless, I have seen a few Indian campaigns, such as that for the Indian Cancer Society, which compare favorably with anything in the West. Indian advertisers have problems unknown in the West. Their campaigns have to be translated into 12 languages, and the majority of the population cannot read any language. The average Indian has an income of $5 a week. Is it fair, do you think, to advertise products which the majority of people will never be able to buy? The population of India has doubled since Independence in 1947. If it doubles again in the next 25 years – to 1,400,000,000 – the consequence