The other side of the coin is that the bigger an agency grows, the more bureaucratic it becomes. Personal leadership gives way to hierarchy. The head of the agency no longer recognizes his staff in the elevators. I found working at Ogilvy & Mather more agreeable when it was small, but as I aspired to handling big accounts, I had no choice but to build a big agency. However, there will always be more small accounts than big ones, so small agencies are not an endangered species. Within the limits of their resources, they can often out-perform the big ones. Creativity is not a function of size. Small can be beautiful. Physician, heal thyself It puzzles me why so few agencies advertise themselves. Perhaps it is because the partners cannot agree on what to say. Some want to improve their agency’s reputation for ‘creativity.’ Some want to impress prospective clients with their agency’s marketing skills. Some want new business leads in a hurry. Make up your mind which you want – before you start writing house ads. Direct mail is probably the most efficient medium for your house campaign. If you can scrape up the money, use space advertising as well, but don’t start it unless you mean to do it consistently. Young & Rubicam advertised in every issue of Fortune for 40 years.