capital was $5,000 and their first account was a shoe-string. Today their agency is either the biggest or second biggest in the world, with billings 3 of about three billion dollars a year. Raymond Rubicam assembled the best team of copywriters and art directors in the history of advertising – like Jack Rosebrook, Roy Whittier, Vaughn Flannery, Henry Lent, George Gribbin, Sid Ward and Norman Robbins. Under Rubicam’s inspiration they created advertisements which were read by more people than any other agency’s – including this ad for Life Savers. He was the first to make research part of the creative process, by bringing in Dr. Gallup from Northwestern University and paying him to measure the readership of advertisements. From this research emerged guidelines which enabled Young & Rubicam to produce advertisements which were read by more people than any other agency’s. Rubicam used

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