Body copy is seldom read by more than 10 per cent of the readers of a publication. But that 10 per cent consists of prospects – people interested enough in what you are selling to take the trouble to read about it. What you say to them determines the success of your advertisement. When you advertise bubblegum or underwear, there isn’t much to say, but a computer or a generator calls for long copy. Don’t be afraid to write it. Long copy – more than 350 words – actually attracts more readers than short copy. In business publications four-color ads cost only a third more than black and white, but they attract twice as many readers. Four-color is a good buy. Captions should appear under all your photographs. Twice as many people read them as read body copy. And use your captions to sell. The best captions are mini-advertisements in themselves. Television Business-to-business advertisers are turning increasingly to television. The audiences for many sports and news programs include a high percentage of business people and are therefore efficient buys. The principles that apply to consumer advertising on television are equally valid for business-to-business commercials.