Pickholz, Jerry 223 Pidilite 250 Piper, Tim 44, 45 Plouffe, David 195 Pokémon 162–3, 162, 163 politics: in author’s predictions 272 as transformation in digital age 192–5, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 Polman, Paul 204, 205 Porter, Chuck 228–35, 228, 233 “post-truth” 17 Postel, Jon 15, 15 Practical Advertising 110–11, 111 practical content 88–92 (see also content) and predicted death of television 34 Procter & Gamble (P&G) 99, 105 programmatic advertising 143–5, 144 Puri, Bharat 97 Q QI codes 257 Qualcomm 89–90, 89, 146 R Raphaelson, Joel: DO’s letter to 9 and Ogilvy on Advertising 8 Raw 110 Ray-Ban 260