One of the most enduring online video brands, The Young Turks network has become a media entity in its own right. What we saw during our visit to Google was an archival network struggling with the difficulties of maturity. During its rise, YouTube’s influence defined the entire video marketplace. Unfortunately, YouTube also struggled with its identity. Every 18–24 months, the site would go through major changes: was it a content platform, a social network or a hub for interactive experiences? Clarity was achieved about two years ago when the ability to customize YouTube was eliminated. From that point on, it has been about delivering a standard video experience. The business model is based upon pre-roll advertising and a new ad-free subscription service, YouTube Red. WHAT DIGITAL ADDS AT ITS BEST Issue framing Intensity – leading to advocacy Buzz – word of mouth Topicality Participation Engagement The PewDiePies and Young Turks of the world form the basis of YouTube’s cultural relevance, and drive the platform’s traffic (along with music videos, which still make up a huge portion of the totals).

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