NESCAFÉ The digital case histories that tend to achieve profile in the trade press have intrinsic sex appeal. They are often small, sometimes interesting, but not always consequential. So for this entry into the Hall of Fame I have deliberately chosen a much more complex and much less apparently sexy example of digital transformation. It’s got a flavour of empire strikes back. When Nestlé, the ultimate multinational, went about driving digital thinking into the hearts and minds of its global networks, it did so with earnestness, discipline and missionary zeal. It was not a question of letting a “hundred flowers bloom”, but rather the opposite. They did bloom in the early days of the digital revolution: thousands of campaigns, in hundreds of markets, none scaled, none learning from each other, the sum of many parts in no way realized the promise of the cumulative investment. In 2011 Nestlé set itself the goal of being the No. 1 fast-moving consumer goods player in leveraging digital and social media to build brands and delight customers. It

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