2015. They earned 14 billion global impressions in the three years from 2013, and a media value of over $90 million from coverage in Huffington Post to Today. Most of those impressions were digital. Today Dove is valued at over $5 billion, with more than 40 per cent of brand value attributed to advertising, according to WPP’s BrandZ study. And Dove’s own econometric modelling has eliminated price, confidence in the economy, distribution changes and media spend as the source of sales growth – proof that harnessing purpose in advertising can drive a brand into the heart of culture. Others have tried to create a similar evolution for their client’s brands as Tim started for Dove, but they so often miss the point. As Tim intuitively understood from his desk in Toronto, Dove doesn’t prey on women’s anxieties, it voices them. It turns them into a public issue that women unify against. Dove is an empathetic leader, an ecosystem for the digital age. Its voice is the internal voice of women everywhere, what women would like to say if society would let them. That millions of women have finally acknowledged their own beauty is perhaps the best success metric of them all.

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