14 FIVE GIANTS OF ADVERTISING IN THE DIGITAL AGE: Greenberg, Kagami, Nisenholtz, Jensen and Porter In Ogilvy on Advertising, David chose six giants he considered to have been the most influential in modern advertising. They were Albert Lasker, Stanley Resor, Raymond Rubicam, Leo Burnett, Claude Hopkins and Bill Bernbach. I have undertaken the same exercise for this book, and gathered together this digital pantheon. Like David, I’ve used what might vulgarly be described as “creative chops” as the defining credential for entry, although my five demonstrate creative flair in very different ways. After that, they each represent an important aspect of the development of digital creativity and digital advertising, and represent it so well that I hope their choice will be at least understood. In a few cases their names may not be widely known, but I think that makes for a more interesting selection. Of course, I very much welcome alternative suggestions.