expression of the needs of women? “I will what I want” – a truly empowering phrase that supports a deeper fulfillment of womanhood in a world that constantly seeks to undermine women. There’s a big issue, of course, at work here: and that is the mindset of the advertising (and marketing) business. This is the direct result of an inbuilt diversity issue. Put simply, there are not enough women in positions of management or in creative departments. And this reflects a broader issue in anything to do with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths). So digital technology and creative advertising together don’t make a diverse marriage: the opposite. It was depressing in writing this book that, for instance, the founders of the internet I selected, as well as the greats of Chapter 14, were all male. This, alas, was not unconscious bias.
Ogilvy on Advertising in the Digital Age Page 122 Page 124