GOAL DILUTION The more goals there are, the less likely we believe one of them is likely to be fulfilled. YING ZHANG (b. unknown) Assistant Professor of Marketing 2007 (Zhang et al): An increased number of goals (e.g. building muscles and losing weight) is perceived as more difficult to achieve than when those goals are combined into a single means (e.g. exercising). Ogilvy Change and Public Health England: The 10 Minute Shake-Up campaign. Made exercise seem more achievable by focusing on a simple burst of activity twice a day. My “12 Bright Secrets” are a set of individuals who have each advanced an important area within neuroscience or behavioural economics – from “habit formation” to “goal dilution”. Some of them are names you may have heard before, others are less well known but influential in their own right. As you’ll see, the principle developed by each has