12 THE THREE BATTLEGROUNDS: Social Media, Mobility, Continuous Commerce As the digital age starts to “settle” there are three big battlegrounds where debate still persists and, in general, the future is not yet won. The first of these is social. PUTTING THE SOCIAL BACK INTO SOCIAL MEDIA If ever there was a digital Eden, it was the early days of social media – days of innocence and hope, where friendship could be “graphed”, and expanded in seemingly endless, experimental ways. AGE 18–34 DIGITAL AUDIENCE PENETRATION VS ENGAGEMENT OF LEADING SOCIAL NETWORKS Facebook is the standout social medium in the United States. Almost every 18–34-year-old in the US engages with the monolithic platform for over 1,000 minutes – nearly 17 hours – every month according to comScore. But watch out for Instagram! It is becoming the platform of choice for younger Millennials. Looking back, those early views of social media – the attention given to the social