you in some way; and sometimes it is just downright practical. Of course, like all self-respecting business people, we have a natural tendency to like four-quadrant grids. Our content grid is shown overleaf, spanning from breadth (broad and mass) to personalization (personalized and individual) on one axis, and from utility (useful and informational) to entertainment (entertaining and emotive) value on the other. Like all such constructs, these quadrants are not hard and fast. There are overlaps and grey areas. Information, for instance, can be highly entertaining; and many great pieces of content have provided it in documentary formats that entertain. Nonetheless, teasing out differences helps give a more thoughtful approach to this amorphous thing, content. But the differences are all more or less, rather than either/or. Another helpful way of using this content matrix is to see it as a playground in which two great dividends can be looked for: creating experiences and creating engagement.