measure customers advancing along (or not) their Customer Journey. For Facebook in particular, this might seem a long way from that idyllic Eden of their foundation myth. But it seems it might do a lot more like El Dorado as the cash registers ring with hard sales results. THE JOY OF MOBILITY The heading is very carefully chosen. What’s interesting is discussing what mobile enables, not what mobile is. But first, let’s find out what mobile is not. In September of 2000, I was asked to speak at the WAP Enhanced Services and GPRS Conference in London. I argued that the mobile phone would be a sales promotion medium. This was a controversial point of view because “advertising” was busily claiming the phone as a new ad medium. Advertising would of course claim the Taj Mahal if impact (easy!) and scale (less easy!) could be demonstrated. I wasn’t wholly right, but I was partly right. Mobile, because it gets one so close to the point of decision, is indeed especially useful in directing you to offers and deals in a specific location. It is not an advertising medium of any significance, although the desire to think of it as such and use it as such is persistent. It is something much more than a device or a channel or, indeed, a medium. The joy of mobile technology is that it offers mobility. It’s about engagement with a whole new lifestyle, and it will be the premier platform of the digital age by far. Everything is now driven by an explosion of mobile connectivity. As my former colleague Martin Lange wrote in an internal note: Telecommunications providers have essentially become utility companies, providing access to something that people need … access to mobile devices worldwide is growing much faster than access to many of life’s bare essentials. By this, he means improved water, electricity and sanitation. As more users connect, more connection and data points develop and the demand for more services increases. The only limitations are infrastructure, reach and bandwidth; and regulations. What is developing is fundamentally new: an engagement ecosystem. Mobility,