CHAPTER 15: MY BRAIN HURTS 1 David Ogilvy, Ogilvy on Advertising, 1985, p.217. 2 Antonio R. Damasio, D. Tranel and Hanna Damascio, “Face Agnosia and the Neural Substrates of Memory”, Annual Review of Neuroscience, 13(1), 89-109. 3 Chris Graves, “Brain, Behavior, Story”, Ogilvy Public Relations, 2014 4 Sutherland, Rory, (2014, December) This Thing For Which We Have No Name, [Edge Interview], retrieved from name 5 Richard H. Thaler, Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics, W.W. Norton & Company, 2015. 6 Dolan, P., Hallsworth, M., Halpern, D., King, D., Metcalfe, R., Vlaev, I. (2009) MINDSPACE: Influencing Behaviour Through Public Policy. London: Cabinet Office & Institute for Government. 7 Lisa Shu, Francesca Gino, Max Bazerman, et al, “When to Sign on the Dotted Line? Signing First Makes Ethics Salient and Decreases Dishonest Self- Reports”, Working Paper 11-117, Harvard Business School, 2011. CHAPTER 16: THE NEW SHAPE OF THE WORLD 1 CCTV’s main evening news broadcast, Xinwen Lianbo, has a daily viewership of roughly 135 million, and is also one of the most expensive shows for ad buys, with its 2013 advertising slots selling for a record 5.4 million yen. 2 Data from the World Bank, February 2017, retrieved from and Robbie Gramer, “Here’s How the Global GDP is Divvied Up”, Foreign Policy, February 24, 2017 3 According to CNNIC (The China Internet Network Information Center).