Facebook used to be all about its ads, confident in the allure of its huge audience to advertisers. Then marketers discovered the platform’s more powerful function – social CRM. Now, Facebook is less of an advertising platform and more of a CRM vehicle, allowing brands to generate leads highly efficiently – for example, to launch new products like this campaign we did for Philips. Budgets are rightly being reallocated to capitalize on the effectiveness of this kind of social CRM. Together this is beginning to look like a duopoly. Google and Facebook account for some $36 billion of the $69 billion digital media spend in the US. 52 per cent! When Theodore Roosevelt took on Standard Oil in 1906, it accounted for 70 per cent of the oil and kerosene market. Will our view of monopolistic trading change when Google and Facebook reach the same level? And will we have any Theodore Roosevelts around to slay the dragons? THE DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM

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