as Mashable, exploring syndication opportunities, and using tools such as Stumbleupon, Spark focused on generating and distributing highly practical, interesting and engaging content to early adopters and tech-savvy users – all of which was clearly attributable to Qualcomm. Barneys New York zeroed in on the sort of journalism their audience wanted – and wanted from Barneys. The Window is an online lifestyle magazine-cum-ecommerce site that works well. News is a resource that’s freely available – but its over-availability creates an opportunity for curation. Let’s aggregate and assemble the news that will appeal to our audience and distribute it to them as packaged content. This is a space where success and failure are still being tested out. Big ambitions have bitten the dust. Consider GE, which sought to become a major news provider with properties such as “Pressing” (“raising the national conversation, right, left, center”) and “Mid- Market” (“the goal is, this is someone’s Monday morning destination”). Neither has survived. While its GE Reports site continues to produce excellent feature-style journalism that relates to its business, in these two they misread their audience. They aimed to fill what seemed to be a news void, but it was one that readers did not care to