1. Satisfied customers who shop and buy in-store alone. 2. Satisfied customers who shop and buy across the converged experience. 3. Emotionally connected customers who shop and buy across omni-channel experiences. We used these segments to answer two questions: 1. What is the ROI of moving a satisfied in-store customer into omni-channel? 2. What is the ROI of delivering emotional connection through the omni- channel experience? The answer is “a lot”. For luxury retail, the annual spend for satisfied in-store customers goes from $637 per capita to $1,157 for satisfied omni-channel customers. That near-doubling of spend puts paid to the idea of ignoring omni-channel. Going the extra mile to create emotional connection is even more attractive. Emotionally connected omni-channel luxury retail customers spend $1,640 per capita. The benefit of omni-channel emotional connection is a staggering 257 per cent increase in sales per customer.