Coca-Cola showed that creativity can be just as fluid as a beverage with their Liquid And Linked concept of content excellence. The videos which articulate it were used internally, but are available on YouTube now. The good news is that pervasive creativity recognizes a reality of the world that advertising agencies had rarely been interested in – that consumers can also be highly creative. Some years ago, we collected examples of this in Asia, and published them in a book called Raw (2012). So it’s not now just a case that “the consumer is not a moron, she is your wife”, but also of recognizing that she can be at least as creative as you are. Work which acknowledges this, and which allows that creativity to express itself, gains most from being pervasive. Now the consumer can even become a freelance copywriter. Probably the manufacturer who best articulated for themselves the notion of “pervasive creativity” was Coca-Cola. They labelled it “liquid and linked”. The concept of link expressed the belief that a media neutral idea, if sufficiently inspirational, could pervade but at the same time cohere: pervasive, but also cohesive. So What is an Idea? There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the digital age has hugely increased the importance of the idea in advertising, and yet the word is rarely given enough attention, let alone subjected to much analysis. Ideas that “pass like ships in the night” were always to be dreaded; and “big” ideas sought for. But what makes an idea “big”? Why is that more important than ever

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