consumed by an audience elite of sufficient scale or sufficient specialism. Then it still is a model sustainable by advertising – especially if circulation can be charged for. If any one of those parameters breaks down, the commercial model breaks down, too. So TV is not dead: though it is changing beyond recognition, it is more useful than ever before. “Cord-cutting”, “TV Everywhere”, and “OTT” (over-the-top) are roiling the TV landscape, but they are hardly fatal illnesses. In fact, they are heralding the age of greater TV consumption. The pay TV industry is adapting to new viewing patterns with multi-channel on-demand subscription services and consolidation. TV advertising, popularly thought to be a declining force, is thriving and growing fast in broadcast and digital. Television content is better than it ever has been before – more varied and of higher quality – but the audience is fragmented across different media. We don’t know yet how to measure these audiences particularly well, and that (not cord-cutting) may be the biggest threat to TV of all. There is no doubt that the “TV is dead” argument has led clients into a splurge of hypertargeting. My own belief (and it is only based on experience with real clients, nothing more) is that brands, having experimented, are now searching again for the fundamentals. What gives your brands the reach they need? What gives you the combination of greater reach and greater impact? In the long term, where there is demand, supply usually configures itself to match it. It seems at least as likely that the media industry will conform to this and find new ways of delivering a total aggregated audience. Who knows, this might even pose an interesting challenge for the digital mass media: do they enter television or seek to slay it? My purpose in saying this is not to indulge in any wild prediction but simply to inveigh against the excesses of the blind anti-TV prejudice. TV is alive and well in developing markets, and alive in many developed markets. “There is no such thing as digital marketing or digital advertising; there is just good marketing and good advertising.” 6 reasons why TV is not dead 1. It offers the safest way to scale with net reach, which remains unobtainable in
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