Scott Brinker continually updates his famous chart as marketing technology solutions are invented at an astonishing rate. And yes, it’s almost unreadable! A warning: technology is only useful with the skills and structures in place to make it sing. And never forget the big idea. And, of course, each vendor has a sales pitch. It is very interesting to consider the techniques technology vendors tend to use to demonstrate their products. They show simple “flash” demos to entice you, built to run smoothly in controlled conditions, on simple platforms. It all looks so easy. But it’s not. And there’s what Peter de Luca calls “the 20% problem”. He should know: he’s head of our marketing technology practice, and spends his whole life trying to remedy it. Peter says that you just need to ask a company “what percentage of the marketing functionality of this marketing technology are you using?” So very often the answer is 20 per cent, or something close to it. The reason is primarily structural. There was no structure in place to support the licence when it was bought, or there are organizational gaps between the work groups or departments that should be benefiting from it. Incredibly, without really understanding this, disappointed clients often switch software vendors looking for the functionality they do not believe they have (even when they often do). They will