much used in Huawei, but also a distinctly Chinese “animal”, the legendary “Bei” This wolf had long front legs and short hind legs; the Bei has short front legs and long hind legs. “The most effective organization is one that has Wolves and Bei cooperating closely”, Mr Ren says. And however vulpine and Bei-like the culture, all are encouraged to be restlessly self-critical, a Chinese sense of “divine discontent”: “people in ancient times even put aside a room for self reflection. Can’t we learn to reflect on our failure?” Such reflections have driven remarkable success. Huawei will be the first Chinese global brand – a global brand that happens to come from China. Huawei, Haier, Lenovo all continue their global advance. They will be joined by other “new globals”, from India, Mexico and Indonesia in the first wave. And they will be part of a digital economy and a “two-way” world that was just inconceivable in 1982.

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