There are two types of companies: those that work hard to charge customers more, and those that work hard to charge customers less. Both approaches can 1 work. We are firmly in the second camp. ® Chick-fil-A is famous for its chicken sandwiches … and its queues. To allow customers to bypass the line, the chain built an app to let people order and pay for food instantly. Walk in, pick up, even sit down in the restaurant and eat – all without a hitch. Of course, the first camp works because many consumers are prepared to pay more for more – which includes intangible things. Perhaps this choice is also not so binary. There’s a time for shopping at Amazon; and there’s a time for shopping somewhere else. And brands that sell through Amazon understand that there isn’t a point where they stop and Amazon starts, they know that Amazon is not a commercial silo completely apart, and that there is still a continuity of marketing, right along the distribution path.