The workflow that lies behind the Content Studio, where the client’s content strategy comes alive as a content calendar. It doesn’t just happen: there has to be an engine that drives the development, distribution, and effectiveness. It’s the same in principle whether you are Mastercard, with an audience of 30 million people a week across its digital and social properties, or a local restaurant chain, drumming up a customer base in the hundreds. The mantra is “think, create, operate”. At the end of the day, it’s keeping a finger on the pulse like this that holds King Content true to his promise. I do firmly believe in that promise. The concept of brands and agencies as publishers marks the first real change in our business since the invention of the commission system in the coffee houses of eighteenth-century London. It anticipates the final demise of that commission system, even if the industry is still at a very early stage of feeling comfortable with “content”. 8 tips for content 1. Don’t try to be a mainstream news provider. 2. Don’t compromise on quality: journalism is a craft not a commodity. 3. Scale! Be willing to promote your content, to make sure it interrupts the interruptions. Don’t be foolishly purist and expect you can just build it and they will come.