Tim Piper was a young Australian who had washed up in our Toronto office. As much a film director as a traditional writer, in 2005 he had written and directed a 30- second TV commercial called Broken Escalator for Becel Margarine. The escalator breaks down and the unfit passengers caught on it scream for help. He felt compelled to shoot a longer version. The Creative Director of OgilvyOne saw it, and told him about this “thing called YouTube”. It was posted, and to everyone’s surprise, got 50,000 views almost immediately. Evolution was a viral hit – created by Tim Piper, his unwitting girlfriend, and our resourceful production team in Toronto. It was shot on a shoestring, and initiated a campaign that added $1.2 billion to Dove’s brand value and increased revenue by $500 million. The next year, the agency received an open brief on Dove to amplify the Campaign for Real Beauty. Tim presented a series of emotionally driven short-film ideas, including Evolution. This is a tribute to the entrepreneurial creative culture fostered by Creative Directors, Janet Kestin and Nancy Vonk, who empowered creators to

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