Concepts of influence or loyalty were remote and alien to them. What Ben did was to create an operating system, Fusion™, which was common across all the disciplines, which started with what the business problem was (rather than with the communication problem), and which, above all, was focused on the customer journey. Until then, customer journeys had been a somewhat remote and academic construct, or something lodged exclusively in the Direct Marketing discipline. But now they could become a unifying concept, through which the real barriers and the potent drivers to engaging the consumer could be mapped. CUSTOMER JOURNEY OF AN ADVERTISING UNDERGRADUATE Should you wish to devote your career – or at least some of it – to advertising, you might follow a path similar to this. Customer journeys help us identify the pleasures and pitfalls of a given experience, whether buying a new car, researching an interest, or making the bold step to study for a degree and get hired. By truly understanding people’s engagement at each stage, we can identify where to help rather than hinder. “Deep integration is digitally enabled in one very particular way: now, we can understand consumers’ intentions.” Twenty years ago, Ogilvy & Mather coined the phrase “360° Brand Stewardship”,