In The Wilderness Downtown the iconic indie band Arcade Fire’s latest single “We Used to Wait” was chanted in the background as Google’s Chrome browser quickly transported people to the neighbourhoods of their youth. A Google Labs experiment, it helped launch Chrome to become the world’s most popular browser by combining a lightning fast experience with an incredible interactive video – an unusually immersive way to showcase a new product. Rarely is such emotional content so inherently practical too. Under an editor’s hand, knowledge brings a competitive edge. It expounds and justifies a point of view or positioning. But not just as a white paper, but rather as a dynamic program. Ogilvy set up just such a program, the IBM Newsroom, to deliver rich, editorially driven content. Launched in 2014, the IBM Newsroom creates a wide range of properties: articles, videos, infographics, ebooks, SlideShares and more. When a brand delivers truth, it earns credibility, and with credibility comes