CEO, Mark Zuckerberg taking the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Nominated by New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, in return he challenged Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings. Yet some critics labelled the phenomenon “slacktivism”, a nexus of entertainment and empathy, but ultimately a get-out from more serious involvement. While Jeanette had created a reason for the challenge, the charity risked being a footnote in the YouTube comments – more focus on the bucket than the cause, the LOLs rather than ALS. Others were concerned about a sudden redirection of donations to ALS that would otherwise go to a broader set of causes. Unsurprisingly, those involved with the disease defended the campaign, happy to finally be recipients of such large- scale awareness and unbridled support. The critics are likely wrong. Researchers recently identified a new gene associated with the disease that will help uncover the triggers of ALS and lead to new treatments. The breakthrough was funded directly from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Of $115 million raised over the eight weeks the campaign went viral, $77m was dedicated to research and $1 million –