Paul Baran Polish-born American (1926-). Developed the concept of packets and packet-switching, but used different terminology. In 1960, joined RAND Corporation and led development of distributed array, or network, of packet-switching nodes. Later work expanded distributed communications idea to include OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing), the notion that data could be transferred via several closely related channels. OFDM is the basis of digital broadband, DSL internet access, wireless networks and 4G mobile. Robert William “Bob” Taylor American (1932-). Director of IPTO in years leading to first ARPANET transmission. Recognized need for networked timesharing computer at Pentagon with those at UC-Berkeley and the System Development Corporation. This was ARPANET. In 1968, co-authored paper with Licklider laying out development of the internet. Headed Xerox PARC, which developed WYSIWYG word processing, the laser printer, and the Alto computer (on which the Mac was based).