Five Stages of STAGE 5: Corporate Social Responsibility SUSTAINABLE ECOSYSTEM 16% 62% 16+84M 62+38M 16% of US businesses have adopted a circular economic framework, 62% say moving toward this is part of their (13) business strategy. ―ING report 2019 When a business adopts a circular approach to their operations they can truly become a purpose-driven ecosystem. “ The Ellen MacArthur Foundation defines a circular economy as: One that aims to redefine growth, focusing on positive society- It’s worth noting that the circular economy approach is wide benefits. It entails gradually decoupling economic activity relatively new. While many brands are involved in trying from the consumption of finite resources and designing waste to adopt circular products and operations, it’s the new out of the system. [A circular economy looks] beyond the current frontier in business models. Brands operating with this level take-make-waste extractive industrial model. Underpinned of commitment to CSR in their brand core are absolutely by a transition to renewable energy sources, the circular model trailblazing the future for brands to come. builds economic, natural, and social capital. It is based on three principles: • Design out waste and pollution • Keep products and materials in use (14) • Regenerate natural systems.” 22 23

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