Case Studies CSR AS NEVER Patagonia BEING GOOD ENOUGH Their core: How their core manifests: Why it matters: (53) Patagonia has demonstrated that a Patagonia is in business to save our home planet. What can be said about Patagonia —Yvon Chouinard company founder, Rose that hasn’t already been said? business can never be too good to Marcario CEO A crusader for environmental not look in the mirror and consider protection since its origins, reframing their core to do even Patagonia has been an example for better. They’ve also demonstrated other brands to follow for years. that companies can take strong In December 2018, they changed stands on issues near and dear their mission - Patagonia is in to their heart, while potentially business to save our home planet. isolating some consumers, yet still They’ve acted on this mission day- remain a financially-successful to-day in innumerable ways: repair company. As Patagonia continues programs that enable customers to to look to the future, it will be maintain their Patagonia products interesting to see how they infuse for a longer life, suing President attainability and affordability Donald Trump over protection across their product lines. of public land, donating tax cut money to grassroots environmental organizations, constantly seeking more earth-friendly materials to put into their products. 78 79

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