Case Studies CSR AS Danone OVERHAULING A LEGACY Their core: How their core manifests: Why it matters: Bringing health through food to as Danone’s North America business Danone is a multinational (44) many people as possible. received B-corp status in 2017. conglomerate that has been around ―Danone website CEO Emmanuel Faber aims for all since the early 1900s. Its pivot of Danone to be a certified B-corp to sustainability across its entire by 2030(45). It’s building a healthier portfolio demonstrates how all future through food not in overt brands, new and veteran, can put all-encompassing ways, but by CSR at their core. studying how food and nutrition can best be improved in 52 countries in the world, and adapts its products accordingly. In one example, Danone recently added vitamins to one of its best-selling cheeses after researching the diets of young people in Brazil.(46) 66 67

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