Case Studies CSR AS A STANCE Costa Rica FROM AN ENTIRE COUNTRY Their core: How their core manifests: according to the degree to which With a 95% share of renewables in its electricity While the government has migrated their operation approaches a matrix and solid achievements to prevent the country to renewable energy sustainability model, in terms of deforestation―52 % of the national territory is and set strong carbon emissions management of natural, cultural covered by forests―the Central American nation targets, they’ve invited others — and social resources.(39) of Costa Rica is already a world leader in terms locals and tourists — to join in of environmental sustainability. However, Costa their journey. “Ecotourism” has Why it matters: Rica wants to go further and be an international become popular in Costa Rica in Who said corporate social example of climate action and ambition. Costa Rica large part due to the structured responsibility was only meant has adopted a plan to achieve a zero net emissions system around it. The CST (or El for corporations? Costa Rica is economy by 2050, in line with the objectives of the Certificado para la Sostenibilidad demonstrating how a government’s (38) Paris Climate Change Agreement. Turística) is a program of the strong stance on sustainable goals ―UNFCC 2019 Costa Rican Tourism Institute and mandates can trickle across the (ICT), designed to categorize and country into local economies and differentiate tourism businesses businesses. 58 59

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