Case Studies CSR AS Salesforce TAKING ON TECH Their core: How their core manifests: follows a 1-1-1 philanthropic model Together, we’re creating a future of new A leader in CRM for decades, leveraging its technology, people, and opportunities. Trailblazers don’t fear change, we Salesforce has also garnered resources to support social sector embrace it. We harness new technologies to entirely accolades for being a leader in initiatives through volunteerism, transform our companies, our careers, and, sustainability. On their website donations, education, grants, and (40) pro bono projects. In 2018, Salesforce hopefully, our world. they say: ―Salesforce website launched the Philanthropy Cloud, At Salesforce, we consider the which allows Salesforce users to environment to be a key stakeholder activate, launch, and monitor their and we are committed to harnessing own 1-1-1 philanthropic initiatives (41) our culture of innovation to improve within their own companies. the state of the world. We leverage the power of our people and our Why it matters: products to reduce the impact Salesforce modeled its mission that we and our customers have within the walls of its own company on the planet. Salesforce achieved first and then used its technology net-zero greenhouse gas emissions platform to inculcate philanthropic globally and delivers customers a behavior within the organizations carbon neutral cloud. Salesforce of its clients. 60 61

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