Introduction What defines a safe place to work? How to show up as leaders Nurturing a culture of care Introduction What defines a safe place to work? How to show up as leaders How to show up as managers Nurturing a culture of care Managing change day by day as accountabilities at the project employees manage stress. This behavioural nudges can be sub- level, will give them the clarity is the most important time for a tle ways to move employees to Daily actions taken by managers needed to confidently move manager to be empathetic to each more effective ways of working. will have a significant effect on ahead. individual’s unique situation. the success of their team’s ability to navigate the new behaviours Normalise self-direction by Increase employee interaction, required to either return to focusing on outputs and quality and be specific about needs and the office or continue to work rather than processes. Managers support. More frequent com- “ Leaders are going from home. must refrain from any attempt munications and check-ins are to micromanage how employees necessary when employees are to have to lean into Establish small, cross-functional choose to get their work done. remote. Virtual coffee hours, the vulnerability teams: think agile. Small, Empower employees to deter- chat and email can be used to autonomous teams help build mine the best approach based reinforce what’s needed from and create space resilience into an organisation on their specific situation. an employee, to demonstrate with their ability to more easily Then acknowledge and reward the manager’s support, and to so people can shift direction and work in more them when they have exhibited remind the employee of com- innovate and grow.” flexible ways. The way of work- self-directed behaviours. pany policies and resources for ing becomes a more efficient flexibility and emotional support. — Michelle Penelope King, gender- and empowering approach to Strengthen relationships by equality expert and author, in an meeting project goals. building connections, and Enable new ways of working interview with CNBC identify and preempt stress. Most by assertively promoting them, Revisit the basics, such as team social interactions with employees providing clear guidance and objectives, expectations, roles have moved to video and chat, investing in behavioural nudges. and responsibilities. Employees so the ability to monitor mental Managers set the example for need to be reminded that the health is challenging—yet vital— what’s appropriate, so embrac- work they do contributes to the to the health of each employee. ing the desired shift in ways of overall objectives of the team as Managers can proactively reach working and communications well as to the organisation. This out through video check-ins; starts with them. Their commit- is especially true, during times of be aware of signs of distress, ment can only be demonstrated significant change. More frequent withdrawal or any perfor- by their actions. Providing addi- communication and reminders of mance changes; and provide tional guidance as well as encour- what is expected of them, as well the resources available to help aging beneficial change through Leading the workforce 13

New Way of Working - Page 13 New Way of Working Page 12 Page 14