Introduction What defines a safe place to work? How to show up as leaders Nurturing a culture of care Introduction What defines a safe place to work? How to show up as leaders How to show up as managers Nurturing a culture of care Define the specifics—location, PINPOINTING AND ADDRESSING RESISTANCE role, motivators and work styles, adaptability, and resistance. For Equipping managers to handle the added complexity of their role during a transition back to the workplace is each employee, determine what crucial. One thing managers can use is a method for gaining insight into what their employees need and what aspects of the work environment they will feel challenged by as they adjust to a return to the workplace. and what personal motivators must be in place for him or her The Employee Engagement and Resistance Tracker provides managers with a more comprehensive way to thrive. The Employee Engage- to assess individual employees or employee groups on several dimensions to determine the ideal individual ment and Resistance Tracker work setting and reveal specific areas that require additional coaching. The approach gives managers a holistic (see sidebar) is one approach for view of what’s necessary to fully support employees, based on where they are today, and help them move past determining the ideal scenario barriers inhibiting progress. for each employee or employee group. It can be used to uncover Key dimensions can be flexible based on the overall objective of the assessment. areas requiring additional atten- tion from managers. Suggestions for key dimensions can be found Role and/or Location Motivators and Areas of Adaptability Coaching plan following the tracker. department preference work styles resistance Explore key areas of resistance. What is required Does the employee Determine the type Based on the Prosci This tracker uses Based on the for an employee prefer a remote, of drive employees ADKAR change the a red, yellow assessment, an Change management method- to perform the in-office or fluid have. It could be management and green scale action plan is ologies, such as Prosci’s ADKAR responsibilities of location? Based on intrinsic—the act of methodology, areas to indicate the created to help model, include approaches for the role? that preference, learning for its own of resistance— how adaptable managers address pinpointing employees’ barriers what additional sake or for per- awareness, desire, the employee is to barriers to move to change through resistance steps does the sonal reward—or knowledge, ability change. Red being towards the manager need extrinsic—driven and reinforce- the least adaptable required change. mapping. This allows managers to take to ensure to earn a reward ment—are used to with significant and leaders to develop proactive success? or avoid punish- determine where barriers to change plans, to help employees progress ment. Also under- the employee is and green being through the sticking point and stand whether the stuck and unable highly adaptable successfully embrace a change. employee prefers to progress. to change. to collaborate, to work independently or a combination of work styles. Leading the workforce 12

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